“Working with Sean has been an incredibly positive experience. I felt called to work with Kambo after having a difficult bout with Covid, I was struggling after several weeks to shake the lingering symptoms. I had also recently gone through some emotionally challenging times and hoped it would help with that as well. I had concerns though that having a very intense experience wouldn’t be what I needed and Sean worked with me to create a more gentle approach which I really appreciated. After the session, I noticed I immediately felt physically better and emotionally lighter. In the days that followed I was able to process my emotions without the self-judgment and heaviness that had been there before.

Although the medicine of Kambo speaks for itself Sean has his own powerful medicine that he brings by how he asks just the right questions, allows for your intuition to be heard, and holds incredible space. Some of my biggest breakthroughs with Kambo have been in the conversations and processing my experience with Sean after sitting with the medicine.”

“Kambo has changed my life in more ways than I thought were possible. In my experience, it’s one thing to sit with this sacred medicine in a ceremony with a facilitator. It’s something completely different when it comes to the magic that is Sean’s process of holding sacred space.

In the days leading into the ceremony I was guided to take a deep deep look at who and what it was bout myself I wanted to let go of, the old ideals and conditioning of the mind, and ego that no longer served me. Sean helped me to look honestly at these facets of myself and bring physical awareness to where I had been holding these traumas in my body. In this process together I was able to truly let go and allow the process of the medicine to truly unfold and heal.

There is no easy way but through the purging and deep expressions of self through vomiting, laughing, crying, and singing. All of which was encouraged wholeheartedly by Sean. During the ceremony in what could be considered a time of extreme vulnerability, Sean’s presence helped to keep me grounded, safe, and fully present.

I will be sitting with Sean again when the medicine calls me and I strongly encourage those that are fully ready to step into their true potential to seek out Sean and his magical abilities of healing through the many modalities he offers.”

“Sean is unlike most Kambo healing practitioners. He addressed me with a higher level of presence, intuition, and heart than I have ever experienced. He took the time to fully come to terms with my ailments and intentions.

Sean’s heart-centered telepathy and dedication to helping his clients sets him apart in a higher league of practice.

“Kambo has amplified and empowered my journey toward unpacking traumas and expanding infinitely. Sean’s graceful abilities to listen, refelct, hold sacred space, and facilitate movment through blockages was unlike any others specialist I’ve experienced.

I am beyond grateful for the knowledge imparted leading up to the ceremony, as well as the guidance to tap into my subconscious, younger self, future self, the ego, and the soul. With Sean’s support leading into the ceremony, I set my intentions for what I wanted to reflect on while sitting with Kambo.

Cleansing, opening prayer, and breath was an excellend and vital way to ground before adminestering the medicine. Although I experienced some profound purges and releasees with nothing but gratitude, I also experienced seriously uncomfortable blcockages. In those moments, I was so grateful for Sean’s experience as a facilitator of Kambo.

Sean had many strategies and modalities of support to allow me to move through these blockages, which ultimately brought my experience and intention full circle. I look forward to when the spirit of Kambo calls me to sit again, and I encourage anyone curious of it’s healing powers to inquire further with Sean.”

“For the first time, I witnessed my heart and the Divine Masculine mirrored back to me. ‘What do I mean by that?’ To have space held for me as I experience at times intense moments of unraveling. Having someone witness me. Sit WITH me as I let the old fall away, as I purge and burn away the pain of my past that lay stored within my body.

To ACKNOWLEDGE the fear that exists within me. The fear of being powerless. The fear of losing all control and surrendering to the darkness within me in order to discover the light.

For the first time, I understood how powerful this work is. How powerful and transformative and humbling it is to simply be WITNESSED. Held energetically, fully seen as who you are right now. Even in the chaos. Even in the mess of unraveling.

Being witnessed as you traverse the darkness of your soul. Without judgment

Instead, with compassion and Unconditional Love.