
An interpersonal and somatic approach that leads to embodiment over time utilizing elements of trust, compassion, and honesty. 

Our personal inner experience is at the core of how we experience relationships and the world around us. If our inner world is experiencing conflict we experience friction in our “relationships” (relating) and variance in our “performance” (doing). Gaining insight into what and why we are experiencing dissonance cultivates a connection to the self that improves the way we relate and show up for life’s demands.


Breathwork is a bottom-up approach to healing. Deep diaphragmatic breathing allows individuals to bring the subconscious and unconscious to the conscious mind. Breathwork creates a space for somatic experience and expression while reprocessing emotions and memories that have gone unprocessed. Breathwork allows you to achieve altered states of consciousness to gain clarity and insight.  

Sound Healing

The vibrations of sound baths help the nervous system move from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state. With reduced stress levels you are able to achieve a transcendental state to open your awareness.

Psychedelic Preparation and Integration

The Conscious Kambo process is an integral part of the preparation and integration of your experience. If you are in need of further support for a Kambo experience or a psychedelic experience Salamat Kambo is here to help you prepare emotionally and mentally. For lasting change, integration sessions are organized to help you process, make sense of, and translate the meaning of your experience.