“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

C.G. Jung

Conscious Kambo

Conscious Kambo is a guided process that supports an interaction between your consciousness and the consciousness of Kambo. For sustainable change, you and your practitioner will work to surface what is trapped in the subconscious and the unconscious. Becoming aware of how certain core beliefs have manifested in undesired patterns allows you to become empowered over your life.

"Kambô circulates in the heart. Our shaman said that when we take Kambô it makes the heart move accurately, so that things flow, bringing good things to the person. It is as if there was a cloud on the person, preventing the good things to come, then, when it takes the Kambô; it comes a 'green light' which opens its ways, making things easier."

Marcelo Bolshaw Gomes

What is Kambo?

Kambo is the secretion of the Giant Monkey Tree Frog (Phyllomedusa Bicolor). The frogs reside in the Igarapes of the Amazon Rainforest with no natural predators. Traditionally Kambo is used by the Indigenous people of the Amazon to clear negative energy known as “panema,” strengthen and energize the minds of hunters, and heal various infections and illnesses.

Research revealed a unique mixture of peptides in Kambo, some of which have antibacterial, anti-protozoan, and pain-reduction properties. In other research, recipients report positive effects on mental and physical health. Recipients report reduced symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction.

In Western society, Kambo is used to support the immune system and physical detoxification, improve mental and emotional health symptoms, and facilitate self-exploration.

Kambo Offerings


The recommendation for the first experience is to have the placements of the Kambo points in a traditional area of the body.


These experiences are based on an individual’s intention. Working with different energy centers provides a unique experience. These energy centers include working with the Chakras, Meridians, Auricular points, or any combination of the three.


An Intensive experience will be customized to support major breakthroughs or for individuals experiencing specific health conditions.

Preparation & Integration

The Conscious Kambo process is an integral part of the preparation and integration of your experience. If you are in need of further support for a Kambo experience or a psychedelic experience Salamat Kambo is here to help you prepare emotionally and mentally. For lasting change and integration, sessions are organized to help you process, make sense of, and translate the meaning of your experience.


  • "I will be sitting with Sean again when the medicine calls me and I strongly encourage those that are fully ready to step into their true potential to seek out Sean and his magical abilities of healing through the many modalities he offers.”

  • "Although the medicine of Kambo speaks for itself Sean has his own powerful medicine that he brings by how he asks just the right questions, allows for your intuition to be heard, and holds incredible space. Some of my biggest breakthroughs with Kambo have been in the conversations and processing my experience with Sean after sitting with the medicine.”

  • “Working with Sean has been an incredibly positive experience. I felt called to work with Kambo after having a difficult bout with Covid, I was struggling after several weeks to shake the lingering symptoms. I had also recently gone through some emotionally challenging times and hoped it would help with that as well."